By the Numbers
Explore Our Programs
The Scott College of Business offers 25+ majors, minors, and certificates, many delivered online, to provide practical professional preparation for careers in a variety of high-demand business fields.
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I had great professors at the Scott College of Business. I’ve always been a driven person and strive to achieve more, but my professors gave me the extra push to do those things and more. My professors knew me and they felt like family.
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We put a lot of effort into building up our students. We prepare students for managerial roles in all sorts of businesses. We give them as much as we can in the classroom. We push them hard and expect a lot, but we put a lot back into them – to change their mindset, how they approach the class, and approach life.
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“We advocate for small business owners. They become our clients and we support them through every step of growing their business. Most business owners don’t know where to start or how to overcome major challenges. We answer their questions, but maybe more importantly, we answer questions they didn’t even think to ask.”
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Scholarships and Financial Aid
A variety of scholarships and awards are available in the Scott College of Business for incoming freshmen and current students.
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